SINAI SCHOOLS held its annual benefit dinner

SINAI SCHOOLS held its annual benefit dinner

Honorees with staff and board members of the SINAI Schools. From left, Moshe and Orit Zharnest, Dean Emeritus Laurette Rothwachs, Chairman of the Board Rabbi Mark Karasick, Moshe and Esther Muschel, Malca and Rabbi Chaim Jachter with daughter Chaya Zipora
Honorees with staff and board members of the SINAI Schools. From left, Moshe and Orit Zharnest, Dean Emeritus Laurette Rothwachs, Chairman of the Board Rabbi Mark Karasick, Moshe and Esther Muschel, Malca and Rabbi Chaim Jachter with daughter Chaya Zipora

SINAI SCHOOLS held its annual benefit dinner on Sunday, Feb. 26, at the Marriott Glenpointe Hotel in Teaneck. More than 900 people attended in honor of SINAI’s model of inclusive special education. 

Honorees included Adam and Ilana Chill, Rabbi Chaim and Malca Jachter, Moshe and Esther Muschel, and Moshe and Orit Zharnest. 

A highlight of the dinner was the premiere of the documentary, “Jacob’s Footprints,” which tells the story of Jacob Adler, a SINAI student with cerebral palsy. Presentation speeches and films presented at the dinner are available online at  

SINAI partners with inclusive Jewish day schools and high schools throughout New Jersey to provide secular and Judaic special education to children with a wide range of disabilities.  SINAI creates a completely individualized program for each child based on his or her social, emotional, and academic needs, translating into a 1:2 professional staff-to-student ratio and numerous different in-house therapies, with specialists on staff at each school.  

For more information call 201-833-1134, ext. 105, or visit 

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