Two ways indeed

Two ways indeed

In light of Mr. Rabin’s admonishment of Israel (Letter, “Two-way street?” Nov. 8) it might be helpful to highlight Israel’s extraordinary record in not only providing tzedaka to those in need, but for also taking action when help is needed.

For example, through the Israeli organization IsraAID, Israel has provided humanitarian aid to Japan after the 2011 tsunami, Haiti after the 2010 earthquake, and New Jersey and New York following  Hurricane Sandy. In these cases, aid workers from Israel traveled to provide assistance to the survivors. It was with extraordinary pride that I followed those and other similar stories.

As someone who lost power for nine days after Hurricane Sandy and sustained some house damage (while recognizing that there were many others who were far worse off than I), I am pleased to have Israel accept the military aid sent by the United States for the purposes of defending her borders as she continues to suffer attacks in the South from Gaza, and now in the Golan due to developing tensions with Syria. I will continue to pray for her survival and for peace in that region. I would hope that Mr. Rabin joins me in my prayers.

Janet Slifer

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