Chabad of Western Monmouth County to hold annual Jewish Women’s Day event
CHABAD OF WESTERN Monmouth County will honor Angela Natenzon of Colts Neck at its 33rd annual Jewish Women’s Day event on Sunday, Feb. 23, at the Radisson Hotel in Freehold.
“It is our pleasure to present her with a token of our appreciation and admiration for all that she does and stands for,” said Rebbetzin Tova Chazanow of Chabad of Western Monmouth County, which is affiliated with the Rabbinical College of America in Morristown, the N.J. headquarters of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement.
Guest speaker Chavie Bruk of Bozeman, Montana, will address the event’s theme of “Riding Life’s Roller Coaster with 20/20 Vision.” Bruk will share an inspirational message of thriving through life’s challenges with stories from her personal experiences.
The annual Women’s Day program is held in memory of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka Schneerson, wife of the late Lubavitcher Rebbe. This year, it will also be in tribute to and in memory of Rita Goodman, the first Women’s Day honoree.
“The essence of Rita was goodness and empathy for all,” said Chazanow. “Her passion was to encourage individuals to be involved and to work for the betterment of the community.”
The program features a brunch and gift basket auction. Event coordinators are Tova Chazanow, Zisi Bernstein, Sara Schapiro, Rochie Galperin, Chana’le Wolosow, and Moushkie Volovik. Caryn Schweitzer, Lisa Silberman, and Renee Buchbinder are auction coordinators.
Doors open at 10:30 a.m. and the Women’s Day program will begin at 11:30. Cost is $60, $54 before Feb. 7; sponsorship opportunities are available. Reservations are required.
For information or to make a reservation, call 732-972-3687 or visit