Krevsky/Abrams families dedicate ambulance in Israel

A life support ambulance was dedicated in Israel last month in memory of Harold and Eleanor Krevsky, longtime Elizabeth residents, and Buddy and Shirley Abrams of Pennsylvania. The gift to Magen David Adom, the country’s emergency medical services provider, was given by the Krevskys’ son, Dr. Benjamin Krevksy, and his wife, Susan Krevsky, the Abrams’ daughter. Dr. and Ms. Krevsky live in Pennsylvania. The vehicle, which will be stationed in Israel’s Carmel region, home to Haifa, the country’s third-largest city, will join MDA’s 1,300 other ambulances in support of the organization’s lifesaving work.
“My parents, who remembered Israel’s reestablishment after the Holocaust, taught me how important it was for us to support Israel, especially given the threats the country perpetually faces from beyond its borders,” Dr. Krevsky said. “And that was reinforced for us when we were in Israel for the dedication. A day after the ceremony, the country was attacked by rockets.”
The ambulance is the workhorse of the MDA fleet, dispatched to respond to everything from a fall in the home, to a woman in labor, a child in anaphylactic shock, or people injured in rocket attacks. The life support ambulances are built in the United States on a GM chassis and assembled in Elkhart, Indiana. MDA needs about 100 each year to expand the fleet and replace retired or damaged vehicles. More than 80% of the MDA’s ambulances are sponsored by Americans.
For information about Magen David Adom, email Sharon Schmidt at, call (215) 947-7007, or go to