Marking Yud Shevat at Chabad in West Orange
Chabad of West Orange will host a Shabbat dinner in Honor of Yud Shevat, a significant date in the Chabad-Lubavitch calendar. Shabbat, February 7-8, commemorates the death of Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn in 1950, and the ascension of his son-in-law, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, z”l, as the seventh rebbe of the Chabad dynasty.
On Friday, February 7, there will be a candle-lighting ceremony at 5 p.m., services, and dinner at about 5:45. Rabbi Yitzchak and Naomi Gershovitz, associate rabbi and rebbetzin of Chabad of Tenafly, will give a talk during the dinner, which also includes traditional Shabbat songs, stories, and inspiration.
For reservations, go to, call Rabbi Mendy or Altie Kasowitz at (973) 325-6311, or email