Miki Fine honored at Israel Bonds tribute brunch

Miki Fine honored at Israel Bonds tribute brunch

Over 150 people attended an Israel Bonds tribute brunch to honor Miki Fine on May 5 in Livingston. Ms. Fine, a Temple Beth Shalom Hebrew school teacher and congregant, was honored for her long-time support of Israel and the Jewish community. She was also presented with a proclamation from the township of Livingston.

Miki Fine (Arnold Felberbaum)

For 14 years at TBS, she was the director of what evolved into a successful teen TEXT program. In the last 10 years, she continued to demonstrate her love for the Jewish people on a volunteer basis, including teaching adult Hebrew classes and spearheading many other shul events. After the horrific October 7 attacks, Ms. Fine traveled to Israel for three months to teach displaced children.

The Israel Bonds program garnered about $400k in investments and indications of interest.

For more information, go to www.israelbonds.com.

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