Shuttered Jersey City shul distributing its memorial plaques to families
Several months ago, the board of trustees of B’nai Jacob in Jersey City made the difficult and sad decision to close the synagogue’s doors permanently. As they do so, they are safeguarding the community’s most valuable physical objects.
The sanctuary’s stained-glass windows were installed in a new home at Temple B’nai Shalom of West Orange.
Now, memorial items from the building, including wall and bench memorial plaques and the tags from the tree of life, are being removed, and B’nai Jacob’s leaders hope that the plaques can be claimed by the families whose members they memorialize. The plaques will be at the Jersey City synagogue on Tuesdays and Thursdays in December and January from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., and Thursday evenings from 4 to 7 p.m. (They cannot be shipped.) B’nai Jacob’s leaders are looking for volunteers to help distribute the plaques.
For more information, email or call the office at (201) 435-5725.