Women’s group holds roundtable on state’s female veterans

Women’s group holds roundtable on state’s female veterans

At the Jewish Women’s Foundation of NJ roundtable are, from left, JWF copresident Roberta Elliott; Magda Schaler-Haynes, former special adviser on health care and women’s issues to U.S. Sen. Robert Menendez; Marcy Felsenfeld, Healthcare Founda
At the Jewish Women’s Foundation of NJ roundtable are, from left, JWF copresident Roberta Elliott; Magda Schaler-Haynes, former special adviser on health care and women’s issues to U.S. Sen. Robert Menendez; Marcy Felsenfeld, Healthcare Founda

Over 30 representatives from 27 New Jersey agencies joined members of the Jewish Women’s Foundation of New Jersey July 14 at a JWF-sponsored roundtable, “Serving Women Who Have Served: Easing NJ’s Female Veterans’ Transition.” 

JWF is an advisory council of the Jewish Community Foundation of Greater MetroWest NJ

Meeting at the Greater Newark Conservancy (a JWF grant recipient), attendees networked with other agency representatives to develop a deeper understanding of the needs of New Jersey’s approximately 33,000 female veterans as they transition from military to civilian life. Participants included representatives from such agencies as Healthcare Foundation of NJ, Jewish Family Service of Greater MetroWest, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Volunteer Lawyers for Justice, Mom2Mom, and Rutgers University.

It is the first in a series of events to be sponsored by JWF as part of a special initiative focusing on assisting New Jersey’s female veterans transition from military to civilian life.

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