“Current Challenges to the American Jewish Community”

“Current Challenges to the American Jewish Community”

Rabbi Steven Bayar
Rabbi Steven Bayar

RABBI STEVEN BAYAR will present “Current Challenges to the American Jewish Community,” kicking off the 2019-20 Our Jewish World Clergy Learning Series offered by National Council of Jewish Women, West Morris Section.

The free sessions will be held on three Tuesdays in September at the Morris County Library in Whippany: Sept. 10, noon: “Ethical Challenges to Our Community: Immigration and Assimilation”; Sept. 17, 1:15 p.m.: “Relations with Israel”; Sept. 24, noon: “How Do We Face the Future — What Can We Do?”

A teacher at the Golda Och Academy in West Orange, Bayar is the author or coauthor of numerous works, including “And You Shall Teach Them Diligently to Your Children: Transmitting Jewish Values from Generation to Generation” and “Teens & Trust: Building Bridges in Jewish Education.” He is a cofounder of Ikkar Publishing and has written more than 40 curricula, including “Teaching Jewish Theology through Science Fiction and Fantasy.”

The series is coordinated by Melanie Levitan and Ilene Dorf Manahan, both of Morristown. Preregistration is required; contact iadpr@aol.com.

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