Lance urges extending sanctions after Iran claims it tested missile
U.S. Rep. Leonard Lance (NJ-R Dist. 7) called for postponement of any sanction relief by the United States following Iranian news agency reports that Iran carried out the test of a new medium-range ballistic missile capable of delivering a nuclear warhead.
In a letter sent to President Obama Dec. 10, Lance called on the United Nations to investigate what U.S. officials said would be, if confirmed, Iran’s second ballistic missile launch since forging the nuclear agreement with global powers this summer.
Lance also urged that the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action be put on hold until more is known about the missile launches.
“Moving forward with the implementation of the JCPOA and failing to hold Iran accountable to its global obligations will only invite more violations from Tehran and potentially endanger the national security of the United States and its allies,” wrote Lance in his letter.
Lance, who cochairs the House Republican Israel Caucus, voted against the nuclear deal with Iran.
State Department officials said Dec. 8 that it is reviewing the circumstances surrounding the event. “We still have, and will remain capable of having, unilateral sanctions of our own to deal with the kinds of destabilizing things that Iran is capable of,” including a ballistic missile program, said State Department spokesman John Kirby.