Shiva marked overturning of Roe v Wade

Shiva marked overturning of Roe v Wade

Wendy Cominsky, left, with Sandy Meo, Debra Biderman, Marilyn Stone, Elaine Kaufman, and Roberta Karstadt. Phyllis Rubin is not pictured.
Wendy Cominsky, left, with Sandy Meo, Debra Biderman, Marilyn Stone, Elaine Kaufman, and Roberta Karstadt. Phyllis Rubin is not pictured.

On June 23, a group of concerned local women met to sit shiva and light a yahrzeit candle on the first anniversary of the Supreme Court’s vote to overturn Roe vs. Wade.

The group — who do not represent any organization — praises New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy, who signed the Freedom of Reproduction Act on January 22, 2022. The act ensures that women in New Jersey will continue to have access to reproductive rights and abortion.

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